Linux Today: Forcing a Choice

Brian Proffitt:

In April, 2004, Red Hat will officially drop support for Red Hat 9, which leaves me with making a choice on what to do next. Do I shift to Fedora? Or move to another distro altogether? Because as of last week, I am one of those Red hat users that’s about to be orphaned from their distro.

A lot of people have pointed out to me that this is really no different than any other end-of-life. If I was using Red Hat 6.0, I would have long since upgraded to something with actual support, unless of course I chose to live without it.

But this really is a different situation, because there isn’t anything to upgrade to. There is no Red Hat 10 down the line. Now there’s Fedora. Or the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) line. I can rule out the latter right away, because even on the company’s nickel, I am not sanguine about spending that kind of money.