Google Reader mobile interface is now usable

Another recent Google discovery: In Google Reader’s mobile interface, there’s now a link at the bottom of each page: “mark these items as read”. Previously, the mobile interface had been more or less unusable because there was no way to mark items read short of actually reading each and every one. Now, if only there were a mobile client a la Gmail for Mobile that would allow me to scroll through my feeds like I do in my browser, only with the Blackberry scroll wheel rather than the mouse scroll wheel, I’d be in information junkie nirvana.

2 comments on “Google Reader mobile interface is now usable

  1. (jeff)isageek

    Yeah I was happy with that change as well. I just got a moto q and it is great to be able to check my feeds on the go. I would like to see there be a way to tag your entries as well as I have a reading list i add interesting storys to for people to read. right now I just have to star them and then go back when i am at my desktop and tag them properly.


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