About a year ago now, I resolved to end my blogging drought in 2008. I updated WordPress to the then brand new version of 2.3.2. I made some tweaks to my theme. I added and removed a few sidebars. I did everything but, you know, write. And after the lull of the holidays passed, I got pulled back into everyday life; and in the end, without using the first days of the new year to establish a new blogging routine, the only entries I managed to squeeze out in 2008 were four measly little links.
This year will be different. Sure, I’ve done many of the same things I did last year. I updated WordPress, this time to 2.7.0. I made some tweaks to my theme, including a new header image based on a very cool picture a friend took backstage at CommunityOne 2008. I added and removed a few more sidebars. This time, though, I’m actually writing.
Sure, I’ll continue to post links with short quotes, often along with my own commentary (as I’ve said before, I’m fond of this technique—Doc Searls in particular elevates it to something of an art form). Note that some of this has moved to my Twitter (something I was much better about in 2008), but there’s really only so much you can meaningfully say in 140 characters.
And, so, in the grand tradition of the software industry: I’ve announced it; now I actually have to do it.
I find that The Muse is fickle. Hope you’re able to keep her fed and happy!
Good luck with posting more! There is an ebb and flow to these things and I’ve made a few attempts to post more or at least document a few things which interest me here and there.
Hope your new year is happy and productive. take care.
Good to read that! ;-)